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Tales of Symphonia - Nintendo GameCube


Tales of Symphonia
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Boxshot Tales of Symphonia

Afbeelding voor  Tales of Symphonia

Game trailer



Platform:Nintendo GameCube
Wii 1e versie
Category:GC only games
Region:European (PAL)
Genre:Adventure, RPG
Age:12+ years
Memory Card:3 blokken
Number of discs:2
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Frequently Bought Together:

Images for Tales of Symphonia


the main characters (from left to right Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving, and Genis Sage)
the main characters (from left to right Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving, and Genis Sage)
Sheena and Shadow win the competition!! Applause!
Sheena and Shadow win the competition!! Applause!
Presea, a little girl who has been through a lot.
Presea, a little girl who has been through a lot.
The chosen one of Sylvarant, Colette!
The chosen one of Sylvarant, Colette!
Translation: Let it go. She probably didn’t look in the mirror herself!
Translation: Let it go. She probably didn't look in the mirror herself!
Combine hundreds of spells and discover secret combos. There’s even a Holy Judgement that might be quite scary when you try the spell (but it’s also very funny).
Combine hundreds of spells and discover secret combos. There's even a Holy Judgement that might be quite scary when you try the spell (but it's also very funny).

Reviews for   Tales of Symphonia

Reviews Tales of Symphonia

11 reviews - average rating 9,7

14 jaar
Fantastic story and diverse characters in a lengthy RPG
This game is fantastic! It's a great RPG that will keep you busy for a long time. The story is fantastic. It's fun that you can choose different characters, each with their own uniqueness. I've completed Tales of Symphonia twice, but it's still enjoyable; there are still so many things I haven't done. This is one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.

18 jaar
Unpredictable Story and Memorable Characters in Tales of Symphonia
I really think it's an incredibly fun game, you'll truly have many hours of enjoyment with it and the story is so unpredictable, making it really enjoyable. The characters are really well thought out.
Lloyd is my hero!

11 jaar
Beautiful Art Design and Cinematic Combat System
Tales of Symphonia is a beautiful masterpiece of a game. It's a JRPG with an anime/cartoon twist to it. Kosuke Fujishima and Takashi Hasegawa have brought this beautiful art design to life, coupled with good graphics. The combat system is one of the best things about this game. The game utilizes a real-time (also cinematic) combat system, keeping the gameplay interesting. Paired with a fantastic soundtrack, and a sublime storyline (with great voice acting and all), this is one of the best games on the GameCube.

Graphics: 9
Storyline: 10
Audio: 9.5
Gameplay: 8.5

Overall: 9.25
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24 jaar
Great story, good characters, best Tales game
My favorite Tales of game! It's now 2021 and the game hasn't aged too well in terms of graphics and linear gameplay, but if you can look past that, you're in for a great story. The characters are well-written, have depth, and the plot twist is a major wtf ?. Definitely a recommendation, especially if you're looking to try out the Tales games, then I suggest starting with Tales of Symphonia.

13 jaar
Engaging Story and Captivating Side Missions
This game is fantastic! The story is great, the visuals are beautiful, cool music during battles and in the background, the characters even speak during fights! And if you can't progress in the game, there are so many other things you can do in the villages and cities! There are even (funny or sad) conversations you can participate in! I've completed Tales of Symphonia but I haven't even done half of the other fun events! It deserves a solid 10!

17 jaar
Addictive combat system and beautiful story
Tales of Symphonia is truly an amazing game; I've completed it 3-4-5 times, maybe even more! The story is beautiful, and the combat system is addictive. If you enjoy fast-paced games with a great story, then this is a must-play. Sometimes finding things can be a bit tricky, but that's what walkthroughs are for. You can easily sink many hours into this, truly a fantastic RPG! Rating: 9 (in my opinion :P)

Personally, I'm a big fan of the music; my favorite tracks are "Fatalize" and "Fighting of the spirit."

21 jaar
Amazing adventure with an exciting storyline and stunning graphics
Tales of Symphonia on the Nintendo GameCube is an amazing adventure! You play as Lloyd, who, along with his friends, must save the world. I found the world to be stunning, with many different places to explore. The environments range from lush forests to vast deserts, making the adventure very diverse.

The combat system is very enjoyable because you can choose and execute the attacks yourself. The characters have unique special powers, making each battle dynamic and thrilling. There are also many different enemies to defeat, providing constant challenge. For me, every battle felt like a tactical puzzle I had to solve.

The story is truly exciting, with surprising events unfolding. You make new friends and uncover secrets that further deepen the plot. The graphics and music are also very beautiful and contribute to the game's atmosphere. The orchestral musical pieces and detailed characters truly add something special. It's a super fun game that I can recommend to everyone!

19 jaar
The ultimate RPG experience for GameCube users!
GameCube users, pay attention!!!!
Searching for an RPG... your final destination has been reached, my friend.
Tales of Symphonia explodes on your screen.
Graphics, gameplay, that oh so delightful soundtrack while you turn your enemies into pancakes, not to mention with syrup!
A story that sticks like glue until the bitter end!!
Conclusion: Buy that thing :D you definitely won't regret it!!

17 jaar
Best RPG on the GameCube with an immersive storyline and hyperactive battles
The best game I can recommend on the GameCube, the game-line in this makes you crave more of the game itself. There are so many characters that you must recognize yourself somewhere, so you will delve deeper into the game.
I have completed Tales of Symphonia about 6 to 7 times now, but still haven't found all the bonuses, which makes me want to start the 8th time. Cheating is not an option for me ;). The storyline is simply the best, and the battles are hyperactive and fast, just what everyone needs.

13 jaar
Must-Have RPG with Amazing Story and Graphics
I absolutely love Tales of Symphonia!
A lot is voice-acted, which makes it much more enjoyable. It has an amazing story with fantastic graphics. And let's not forget, it's an RPG, which in my opinion is always fantastic!
For the RPG fan, this is truly a must-have.

27 jaar
Beautiful cutscenes and voiced dialogues bring the story to life
Ooohh, this game is truly a gem. The cutscenes in between are incredibly beautiful, and many dialogues are voiced. This really brings the story to life. Lloyd is also really funny. It seems so awkward for him to change clothes with wings on his back. How do those angels manage to do that??
In Tales of Symphonia, the battles are finally not super boring. You really feel like you're in a fight as if you're playing Soul Calibur 2. Your team members fight alongside you. Super cool!
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Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description

Wowie! Tales of Symphonia is a Fantastic adventure that will completely captivate you! This epic RPG, developed by Namco Tales Studio, takes you on a magical journey through the world of Sylvarant. You play as Lloyd Irving, a young hero who, along with his friends, sets out to find the Chosen One to save the world from destruction. The game combines beautiful cel-shaded graphics with an immersive story and dynamic real-time battles. And that makes me super happy!

Historical Context

Tales of Symphonia originally came out in 2003 and was one of the first major RPGs for the Nintendo GameCube. The game quickly became a classic and is often considered one of the best games in the Tales series. The game's popularity led to multiple remakes and sequels, including an HD remaster for the PlayStation 3 and PC. It remains a beloved title among RPG fans worldwide.

Expert Reviews

IGN said: "Tales of Symphonia is a must-play for any RPG fan. The story, characters, and combat mechanics are all top-notch." GameSpot added: "With its deep gameplay and beautiful presentation, this is one of the best RPGs of its time."

Is This For You?

This game is perfect for fans of epic tales and adventurous RPGs. If you enjoy games like Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda, then Tales of Symphonia will certainly appeal to you. It's also a must-have for collectors of classic GameCube titles. Fantastic!

Similar Games

If you love Tales of Symphonia, I also recommend checking out other Fantastic RPGs for the GameCube such as Skies of Arcadia Legends and Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. These games, like Tales of Symphonia, offer a rich world and deep stories that will entertain you for hours.

I'm Mr. M, and in my free time, I love playing with my best friends Yoshi and Luma. We often embark on adventures in various Nintendo worlds. Sometimes, we even visit the stars in Super Mario Galaxy, where Luma comes from. Life is a grand adventure, and I'm always ready to help and play. Fantastic, isn't it?
kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Tales of Symphonia

Tips and secrets, cheats and codes

6 tips: 6 Secrets

How can I activate Colette's secret move Holy Judgement in the game?
9 jaar
Colette can learn Holy Song & Judgement (if you don't have these attacks yet, you will receive them at a certain point from Remiel). Once you have performed Holy Song and Judgement 50 times (not in 1 battle, of course), you can try out the secret attack Holy Judgement.
1) Start by trying the attack `Holy Song`. Usually, when you attempt this attack, you will see `Target` above one of your characters.
2) When you see that, press `X` to stop the attack and try again. If you don't see `Target`, don't press any button.
3) Colette will then start acting weird (very weird).
4) Just wait, and you will see on the top of your screen that you are performing the attack `???`. In reality, this is just Holy Judgement.
5) Colette will perform Holy Song & Judgement simultaneously, creating a powerful effect!

How to obtain Lloyd's strongest sword in Tales of Symphonia?
9 jaar
You'll receive Lloyd's strongest sword after defeating the Sworddancer three times. The Sworddancer is a very tough boss (especially the first two times). They're only available for a limited time so don't wait too long; if you miss one, you'll miss the next one too!
You can find the first one in Ossa Trail (in that mine where you dropped that purple-dressed girl) in Tales of Symphonia. I defeated it when everyone was around level 15. But make sure to beat it before heading to the Tower of Salvation.
The second one can be found in Gaorrachia Forest (head south from the Savepoint). This one has become a lot stronger! I managed to defeat it when I was at level 50, but you won't be able to defeat it if you have to switch to Disc 2.
The last one can be found at the end of Iselia Forest. This one has 99,999 HP, but now it's easier to defeat, and I didn't die once (I was at level 70). I used Sheena, Genis, Colette, and Raine. You can only defeat it if you have the Derris Emblem (which is right at the end of the game).
After that, you'll obtain Lloyd's strongest sword: the Kusanagi Blade.

How can you easily earn gald and what is the secret Tech in Tathe`allah?
9 jaar
First the gald: In the earth-temple in Tathe'alla, there's a dragon lurking behind an easy entrance. Quite strong, but you earn a huge amount of gald each time and some nice exp. And guess what? He comes back every time, but with slightly less exp; the amount of gald remains the same! Nice way to earn!
Now for the secret Tech: It's called Falcon Crest and it's for Lloyd. When Lloyd is in a tight spot (low hp and tp) and you press b, a, x simultaneously, he performs his secret tech that costs no tp. In a flash, you'll see his eyes at the top of the screen in anime style, and his attack begins...
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How can I implement Rising Phoenix in the game for Lloyd?
9 jaar
Super easy tech: This one's for Lloyd, like all the coolest techs always are. If you know Rising Falcon (shoot up and then shoot forward with your swords towards the enemy).
Perform Rising Falcon 200 times with a fire sword equipped. This can also be the Ring you get from Efreet, summon spirit of fire.

How to obtain the Last Fencer sword in Tales of Symphonia?
9 jaar
You need to have Zelos in your team and then you have to clear all the colosseum levels in Tales of Symphonia. At some point, you will have to fight against Seles. If you defeat her, you will receive the Last Fencer. It has 920 attack power.

How can Genis perform Indignation Judgement in Tales of Symphonia?
9 jaar
Indignation Judgement is Genis' strongest attack in Tales of Symphonia. Genis needs to have cast Indignation 50 times first. When Genis enters the 'Over Limit' status, quickly unleash Indignation to trigger the powerful `Indignation Judgement`!
Less tips and secrets.
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