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Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent - Nintendo GameCube


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Boxshot Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

Afbeelding voor  Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent

Game trailer



Platform:Nintendo GameCube
Wii 1e versie
Region:European (PAL)
Genre:Action, Shooter
Age:18+ years
Memory Card:78 blokken
Number of discs:1
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Images for Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent


Watch out, Sam!!!!
Watch out, Sam!!!!
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent: Screenshot
Those who mess with their tank must face the consequences.
Those who mess with their tank must face the consequences.
Even on holiday, Sam Fisher can’t forget about his work.
Even on holiday, Sam Fisher can't forget about his work.
Remove that weapon or I won’t stop hugging your boyfriend!
Remove that weapon or I won't stop hugging your boyfriend!
Cool underwater move
Cool underwater move

Reviews for   Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent

Reviews Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

8 reviews - average rating 9,1

New dimension in nerve-wracking missions
With Double Agent, Ubisoft once again puts the already strong Splinter Cell series on the map. Infiltrating the enemy adds a new dimension to the already nerve-wracking missions. Pure enjoyment. (Score 90)
Power Unlimited (#11/06).
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

14 jaar
Superb graphics and compelling storyline, but pricey
Truly a beautiful game. Superb graphics. Compelling storyline. Good gameplay. Just a shame that Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent is so expensive, this is because not many were produced: the game was actually intended for the Wii.
AMAZING GAME. Especially the co-op story mode.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

14 jaar
Innovative partner system and more realistic gameplay in Splinter Cell Double Agent
Splinter Cell Double Agent is an amazing game. You start with a partner, which is unusual because you've never seen something like that with Splinter Cell before. You can see that Splinter Cell has improved in some aspects, like in the first one. The movements are much more realistic, and now you can take down a terrorist in many different ways. In the first 2 missions alone, I've dragged someone through ice, let them drown, and more of those things. It has become much more realistic. The title already says it: Double Agent. At some point in the game, you have to make a choice whether to work for the police or for the terrorists. You have always worked for the police in every part. So I understand if you choose the police.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Read more reviews.

16 jaar
Double Agent Gameplay with Impactful Choices
This is an amazing game, you are Sam Fisher. A spy who goes deep undercover because he has nothing to lose. In Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent, you play as a double agent and the game is full of choices you can make to achieve either a good or a bad outcome. The choices you make thus influence how the game progresses, and this fantastic gameplay, along with the stunning graphics, make this game a true must-have.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

15 jaar
Stays fresh and exciting with new elements
Another fantastic episode in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent series.
A lot has changed, like Sam Fisher's bald head :D
But the formula remains the same: sneak around, kill people, and find things.
Yet Splinter Cell Double Agent never gets boring and keeps feeling fresh!
An 8/10!
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

12 jaar
Fantastic undercover adventure with Sam Fisher
What can I say, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent is simply a fantastic game! Sam Fisher goes undercover and you have to keep both sides happy (the bad and the good). It's also so funny what you can do with gadgets! It's a really fun game and definitely worth buying! Another great plus is that sometimes you have to stop and think, and then you realize: Hey, I can also throw a flashbang! Really fun, a 10-!
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

13 jaar
Infiltration and Choices between Good and Evil
Such a cool game! Infiltrating the enemy base, making choices between good and evil, sneaking sneakily behind someone, and stabbing them in the back in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent. One word: COOL!
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

14 jaar
Too Much Changed, Part 1 Remains a Favorite
I loved part 1 and then you play part 4.... Splinter Cell has changed, too much changed, I recommend part 1. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent is alright but not like it used to be.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Less reviews.

Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description

Haha! Here we have a true classic: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent for the Nintendo GameCube! In this game, you step into the shoes of Sam Fisher, an elite NSA agent. But this time, there's a twist! Sam must go undercover as a double agent, making decisions that test his loyalty to the NSA and his cover within a criminal organization. With intense stealth gameplay, extensive missions, and a story full of suspense, this is a game that keeps you on the edge of your seat. And that makes me super happy!

Historical Context

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent was released in 2006 and was the fourth installment in the popular Splinter Cell series. It brought a unique blend of stealth and action, introducing moral dilemmas and multiple endings depending on your choices in the game. This game was highly acclaimed and remains a favorite among genre fans. The series has since had several sequels and spin-offs, but Double Agent continues to be one of the most beloved titles.

Expert Reviews

"Splinter Cell Double Agent is a Fantastic addition to the series with its thrilling story and innovative gameplay mechanics." - IGN
"The moral choices and dual objectives add a refreshing twist to the already engaging stealth gameplay." - GameSpot

Is It for You?

This game is perfect for fans of stealth and action games. If you enjoy exciting stories and strategic thinking, then this is the game for you! Fans of the Tom Clancy's franchises will also surely appreciate this title. It's a must-have for every GameCube collector and anyone who loves a good challenge.

Similar Games

If you love Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent, also try out Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin for the GameCube. Both games also offer thrilling stealth actions and immersive stories!


Fantastic news! You can also play Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent on the first edition of the Wii. Under the flaps of the Wii, you'll find connections for GameCube controllers and memory cards. Please note: GameCube games cannot be played with the Wii remote. So, make sure to have a GameCube controller on hand!
kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

Tips and secrets, cheats and codes

7 tips: 7 Secrets

Can I unlock all levels in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent?
9 jaar
If you enter a name, type this: !walk_thru!
I'm not sure if you'll get all the special weapons, but you'll definitely get access to all levels of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent.

How do you unlock secret weapons to annoy enemies with?
9 jaar
To unlock these weapons, you need to complete specific missions:
*Electric Lock PickPrimary missions in JBA HQ 1 *EMP Device - EnhancedPrimary missions in JBA HQ 1
*EMP GrenadeSecondary missions in Iceland Assignment
*EMP Grenade - AttachmentSecondary missions in the Cozumel Assignment
*Explosive Sticky Camera - AttachmentSecondary missions in the Iceland Assignment
*Shard/Frag Grenade - AttachmentPrimary missions in JBA HQ 3
*Gas GrenadePrimary missions in JBA HQ 1
*Gas Grenade - AttachmentSecondary missions in the Cozumel Assignment
*Hacking Device - Hack Force UpgradePrimary missions in JBA HQ 2
*Hacking Device - Software UpgradeSecondary missions in the Shanghai Assignment
*Enhanced Night VisionPrimary missions in JBA HQ 3
*Lethal Shotgun AttachmentSecondary missions in the Okhotsk Assignment
*Smoke Grenade - AttachmentSecondary missions in the Shanghai Assignment
*Sonar Grenade - AttachmentPrimary missions in JBA HQ 2
*Ultrasonic EmitterSecondary missions in the Ellsworth Assignment
*Wall Mine - Flash UpgradeSecondary missions in the Okhotsk Assignment
*Wall Mine - Stun UpgradeSecondary missions in the Ellsworth Assignment

How can I be successful in Elite Mode of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent?
9 jaar
Tip 1: Always stay in the dark in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent whenever possible.
Tip 2: Always hide bodies!
Tip 3: Move as quietly as possible at all times.
Tip 4: Be patient.

PS: Most tips are also useful for normal mode, but in Elite Mode they are VERY IMPORTANT!
Read more tips and secrets.

What is the role of the trust meter in NSA and JBA missions?
9 jaar
The trust meter not only indicates whether the NSA or JBA trusts you, but it is also crucial for your mission! Because if you lose the trust of one of the two, the mission is over. The trust meter also determines what kind of gadgets/weapons you will receive! With the NSA, you usually get those stealthy gadgets like the sticky camera, but with the JBA, you get different types of weapons like a shotgun! So be careful how you approach a mission, or else bad things will happen.

How can I effectively deal with groups of enemies?
9 jaar
Here are a few ways to deal with groups of enemies in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent, I'll also give them a rating so you know how useful the method is (1 is not recommended, 5 is very useful). Method 1 (5/5): Sneak up from behind and grab one of the enemies, either kill or knock them out, then do the same with the others. Method 2 (3/5): Grab one person and use them as a shield while shooting the others, then knock out or kill your shield. Method 3 (2/5): Lure them together and engage in close combat action! Method 4 (1/5): Get violent and shoot everyone down! Method 5 (4/5): Grab from behind, move to another enemy, kill or knock out the enemy in your hands, then immediately take down the enemy you're standing next to.

What are the alternative endings of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent?
9 jaar
Ending A (Good Ending) - Trust NSA above 33%, saves 2 out of 3 victims.
Ending B (Normal Ending) - Trust NSA below 33%, and saves all 3 victims, or saves 1 victim with NSA trust above 33%.
Ending C (Bad Ending) - Kill all three victims, or kill 2 out of 3 victims with NSA trust below 33% in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent.

How can I unlock Elite Mode in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent?
9 jaar
Play through the solo mode of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent once to unlock the Elite mode, complete it in co-op to unlock the co-op Elite Mode.
Less tips and secrets.
Thuiswinkel Waarborg