How do you perform a double strong attack in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
This trick is very simple, but very useful for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. All you need is a sword. Pick a spot and press the L-Button. Then press the A-Button (Jump attack). And quickly, before you hit the ground, rotate the Control Stick and press B. This way, Link will also perform a Spin Attack! That's 2 attacks in 1 go!
Tip: Practice this first.
How can I teleport myself at sea to avoid long voyages?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Tired of sailing for hoooooours in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? Teleport yourself with `The Song of Gale`!
What to do:
Ever seen a tornado with a weird frog on top? Sail towards it. Once you reach the tornado, quickly grab your bow and arrows, and start shooting at the frog as soon as you're inside the tornado.
After hitting it a few times, you'll receive the song of gale, allowing you to teleport to different locations at sea when you play the tune.
(This is possible after rescuing your sister from Forsaken Fortress; you can find the tornado in C4 or F3.)
How can Link help if you don't understand something or don't know how to do something?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you don't understand something, or you're not sure how to do it, Link will show you what you need to pick up in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker!
Where can you find Empty Bottles in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Empty Bottles are very useful, you can store fairies, water, and much more in them. In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you can get four of them:
1: You receive one from Medli on your way to the top of Dragon Roost Island.
2: On Bomb Island, there is a kind of submarine with monsters inside. Defeat them to find an empty bottle in a treasure chest.
3: After rescuing your sister from the
Forsaken Fortress, head to Windfall Island when it's evening. There's a poor girl heading to a shop to steal money. Follow her without being noticed, or she'll run away. When she tries to open the safe, talk to her and you'll receive an empty bottle.
4: At the boat shop on Rock Spire Island, you can buy an empty bottle for a very high price. You can also purchase a piece of heart and a treasure chart there.
How can I get free potions at the potion shop on Windfall Island?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you don't feel like spending all your money on those potions from the old man at the potion shop on Windfall Island - red, green, and blue potions - you can also give him chu jelly. If you give him 5 red or green chu jellies, you'll get a free potion. This also works with boko baba seeds, but you have to give those to that weird stump in Forest Haven. If you give it 4, you'll get a free blue potion. P.S. You can get chu jellies on Outset Island; they appear on the beach when it gets dark, and you can find boko babas right before the entrance of Forest Haven.
P.P.S. You can simply use your grappling hook to get the seeds and jellies.
How do you complete Zelda: The Wind Waker in the more challenging version of Action Replay?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Finish The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, he will ask if you want to start over with tougher enemies.
With Action Replay, you'll be strolling around all temples in a blue outfit. Your sister will be roaming around in a pirate costume.
How can I get an endless supply of joy pendants and skull necklaces?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Go to Six-Eye Reef and look for a submarine (there are 3 rafts with a skull around them). First, get on the rafts and use your grappling hook to steal a joy pendant from all 3 enemies on the 3 rafts, making sure not to kill them. Now enter the submarine. Defeat the moblin inside in your own way. After that, another moblin will appear, and then another one! They will each leave behind a skull necklace. Go up the stairs now to get a heart piece.
As you exit, you will see the enemies back on the rafts, and yes, you can steal the joy pendants from them again. But that's not all! Go back into the submarine, defeat the moblins to get more skull necklaces! Keep doing this until you have 40 joy pendants and 23 skull necklaces.
Now head to Windfall Island and find the scary teacher with pink hair (she's inside) and give her the joy pendants. The first reward will be a red rupee (20) and the second reward will be the cabana deed. This is necessary to complete the game. The last item, which is very unknown (and no one seems to know about on
mariocube); the hero’s charm. This mask will show the HP (health points) of your enemies when you fight them.
Now go to Salvatore, the sailor who is at the Windfall dock. You can play a game with him if you give him 3 skull necklaces. Then, go to Maggie's father and give him 20 skull necklaces to receive treasure chart 2.
How can I prevent myself from spending too much money during an auction?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Are you struggling with the auction and don't want to spend too much money? Then here are some tips!
1 Start by bidding a small but still quite substantial amount (50 rupees) at once, this will confuse people and you can charge up for another bid in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
2 If you have a traditional controller, you can activate turbo+B to gamble faster in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
3 Only buy things you want: most items except for treasure charts and heart pieces can easily be found in the overworld. ;)
Can I encounter waste in the ocean if I leave my hook near a glowing spot?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you let your hook hang lower from your sailboat near a glowing spot in the water in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you might receive trash, like a boot, instead of a treasure chest.
How do you obtain the Iron Boots and Power Bracelets in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Power Bracelets: At Fire Mountain, shoot ice arrows at the fire at the top, BE CAREFUL you only have 5 minutes to retrieve them into the volcano from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Iron Boots: At Ice Ring Isle, shoot fire arrows at the dragon's head BE CAREFUL you only have 5 minutes to retrieve it.
How can I locate the islands on the nautical chart?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
To help you find the islands, below you'll see the sea chart divided into squares A1|A2|A3, and so on. Underneath, you'll find what you can discover in each square!
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7
| B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5 | B6 | B7
| C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7
| D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7
| E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5 | E6 | E7
| F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7
| G1 | G2 | G3 | G4 | G5 | G6 | G7 |
| C1:Western Fairy Island
C2:Rock Spire Isle
C3:Tingle Island
C4:Northern Triangle Isle
C5:Eastern Fairy Island
C6:Fire Mountain
C7:Star Belt Archipelago
| F1:Diamond Steppe Island
F2:Five Eye Reef
F3:Shark Island
F4:Southern Fairy Island
F5:Ice Ring Isle
F6:Forest Haven
F7:Cliff Plateau Isles
A1:Forsaken Fortress
A2:Star Island
A3:Northern Fairy Island
A4:Gale Isle
A5:Crescent Moon Island
A6:Seven Star Isles
A7:Overlook Island
| D1:Three Eye Reef
D2:Great Fish Isle
D3:Cyclops Reef
D4:Six Eye Reef
D5:Tower of The Gods
D6:Eastern Triangle Island
D7:Thorned Fairy Island
| G1:Horseshoe Islands
G2:Outset Island
G3:Headstone Island
G4:Two Eye Reef
G5:Angular Isles
G6:Boating Course
G7:Five Star Isles
B1:Four Eye Reef
B2:Mother & Child Isles
B3:Spectacle Island
B4:Windfall Island
B5:Pawprint Isle
B6:Dragon Roost Island
B7:Flight Control Platform
| E1:Needle Rock Island
E2:Islet of Steel
E3:Stone Watcher Island
E4:Southern Fairy Island
E5:Jou Oasis
E6:Bomb Island
E7:Bird's Peak Island
How to avoid getting lost in Ganon's Tower?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
In the maze with all the rooms in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you have to battle a shadow monster in each room. Once you defeat it, the handle of its sword points towards the door you should take. This way, you can navigate through the maze taking the shortest route.
How can an empty bottle help you in the battle against Phantom Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
When you go to the Forsaken Fortress in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the 2nd time, make sure you have a bottle assigned to one of your buttons. At some point, you will have to fight against Phantom Ganon. This is actually a kind of tennis match, as you have to deflect the light orbs. This can be done with the sword, but it also works (and is a million times more fun!) with the bottle!
How rare are the blue ChuChus in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you ever come across a blue ChuChu (one of those jelly creatures) in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you're really lucky. There are only 24 of them in the game! Use your grappling hook on them, and you'll get some blue stuff. Take that to the potion maker and you'll receive a drink that's as potent as grandma's soup, but without the double sword damage!
How do you obtain the Hurricane Spin in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you have 10 Knight Crests, head to Outset Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Once there, seek out the man who gave you the sword.
Now, equip the 10 Knight Crests to X or Y.
This will surprise him, and he will teach you the Hurricane Spin.
How to find Triforce Charts 1, 2, 3, and 4 in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
1: Head to Islet of Steel (B5) and destroy all the bomb ships. Then sail inside and play the Wind's Requiem.
2: First, you need to get the Picto Box from Tingle's cell. Now, take the Picto Box to Killer Bees. Show it to him and talk to him. Then, go to the teacher and speak with her. Next, talk to Killer Bees again. After that, go outside and talk to the children. They will play a game of hide and seek. Have you found them all? Then go back to the teacher. She will give you 50 rupees and ask for Joy Pendants. Find the Joy Pendant on the island (in the tree next to the bomb shop) and roll into it. Once you have 20 Joy Pendants, go to the teacher and show them. You will then receive your access pass to the hut on Cabana Island (E5), enter it. Put out the flames with your Grappling Hook and the fire will disappear. Fall into the hole and you will reach a maze. At the end, you will find your map.
3: Go to Bearded Peak Rock (E7) and defeat the birds. Transform into a seagull and peck the switches to open a door. Fall into the hole and there is your chest.
4: Travel to Diamond Steppe Island (A6) and use your Hookshot to get there. At the very top, you will enter a maze. At the end, you will find the Ghost Ship Chart. Return and change from day to night and vice versa. A ship will appear at some point. Board it, defeat the enemies, leave, and there is your chest.
How do you defeat Puppet Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
When you have to fight Puppet Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, make sure to shoot a Light Arrow at the blue stone with each transformation!
How many Joy Pendants do you need to get a Triforce Chart in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Make sure you have at least 20 Joy Pendants, because you'll need them to get a Triforce Chart in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker!
Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How can you discover funny and weird glitches in Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
As much money as you want: Connect a Gameboy, then shout tingle. Go to the spot on Outset Island where the triforce chart is located, place a tingle bomb there. If you do it in the right place, a pot will appear with 100 rupees inside, play the Song of Passing and then you can break the pot again!!!
Zelda goes crazy!! During the final battle, keep attacking Zelda with your boomerang. If you do this a few times, she will start shooting Light Arrows at you before she says she's going to aim at you!
How can you encounter some wacky glitches in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Sailing without a sail
Head to Dragon Roost Island for the first time in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Just before the conversation between Link and the boat starts, you need to pull in the sail. The conversation will begin, and you'll sail on without a sail.
Going meters underwater in knee-high water
Make your way to the entrance of Hyrule Castle in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. There's a small pond that's so shallow you can walk in it. Get in your boat there. Use the Grappling Hook and go meters underwater.
Link the drama queen: Iron Boots as light as a feather
Link may act like a plodder when wearing the Iron Boots, but in reality, he's just being dramatic. Head to the Earth Temple or the Wind Temple in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Put on the boots, go through a door, and Link will start running.
How can I find Link's spirit on Star Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Go to an island with a big rock on it (like Star Island) in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Lift the rock with the Power Bracelets and throw it away. Then stand in the spot where the rock was. Play the Song of Passing and Link will be standing in the rock!
How can I throw bombs even into houses in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Make sure you have the bombs and the Tingle Tuner (you can get the Tingle Tuner by connecting your GBA to the Gamecube). Assign the Tingle Tuner to a button, then press that button and start The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at the same time. Select the bombs and assign them to the same button as the Tingle Tuner. A text will appear, but you will be holding a bomb. Skip the text and you can throw the bomb, even inside houses!
How can I defeat Orca in sword fighting?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Make sure you know how to use bombs in houses (see: bombs in houses). Then go to Orca (the one who taught you sword fighting) and hit him with your sword until he says something. Skip that text and hit him again until he says something. Once you've done this, use a bomb and place it next to Orca, then walk away from him without leaving the room. When the bomb explodes, Orca will say 'ENOUGH!' and move his spear towards you. You will be standing further away, but the motion will make you fall!
Where can I find Great Fairies for upgrades and assistance in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Go search for Great Fairies in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker! You can find them at shell islands and on your birth (outset) island. There, you'll first receive an upgrade for one of your items, and then a bunch of little fairies appear! It's also handy if you need a Fairy for your grandma, who will then give you soup. You can store them in jars and get fully healed! I'd definitely save a jar for grandma's soup.
How can I earn rupees in Private Oasis?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
At the island with the butler, there are 3 spots where you can find rupees. The first spot you can always reach is the little lake. It looks very innocent with a beach chair under a huge chair and a waterfall. Get into the water and swim around for a while. After some time (or right away) you will find rupees and hearts! Swim a few wiggly rounds and you will find lots of hearts and green rupees.
The second spot is also always accessible. It's under the house. You just have to crawl there. You will find 2 blue rupees and some green rupees there.
The third spot is inside the house. You will have to do something here because the butler won't let you in at first. Once Tetra has transformed into Zelda, you will have to search for Triforce pieces. First, you need to get a letter from the teacher, but before that, you have to help those children until you find them all and give a Joy Pendant to the teacher. For helping, she will give you a permission letter to get your own house in Private Oasis. You can enter now. Show the letter to the butler and you can go in. When you enter, you will see two stained glass windows. One is completely messed up for you to fix. Solve the puzzle and the butler will reward you with lots of rupees. You can do this 20 times. And when you exit the door, there will be rupees under the house and in the lake again! You should have enough by now...
How do I find the secret song on Dragon Roost Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
The second time you visit Dragon Roost Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you can already hear a different tune from afar. When you arrive on the island, you'll hear the regular song along with this strange melody. Head to those protruding planks, of which there are three. Talk to the person sitting on the rightmost one. They will tell you that it's Medli playing on a cliff. Now you need to use the hookshot to reach her. Talk to her and then show her your Wind Waker nearby. You can now play songs with her. (Part 2 is also available!)
How do I find the secret treasure chamber on Dragon Roost Island?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
(This is part 2 of the secrets of Dragon Roost Island!)
Now head back down to where you received your first song in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. There's a large rock in front of the cave. Break it (you'll need a bomb bag!) with bombs and you'll reveal a hole in the ground. Go in there and you'll find yourself in a room with a door. Enter the door and you'll have to fight enemies in 4 rooms. (And they're not strong!) After that, you'll gain access to a room with a treasure chest and 4 pots filled with lots of rupees. Now, if you've done that and you still need rupees, you're in luck because you can get plenty there! Breaking the pots will release lots of rupees. Exit the door. Then re-enter. And you can easily gather lots of rupees this way!
Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How can I perform the Outset Island Glitch in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Fly with the seagull in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and then enter the little hole where that big rock used to be. Go inside and you'll encounter a glitch (this can only be done after you've removed the rock).
How can I defeat Ganondorf in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Struggling to defeat Ganondorf in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? Try this: Keep your shield up constantly and make sure not to get in the way when Princess Zelda is about to shoot an arrow of light, as this inflicts high damage. Once she hits Ganondorf, he will kneel, then you must finish him off with a jump attack right on the head.
How can I obtain the Hero's Charm in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Use the Hero's Charm.
The Hero's Charm shows how much HP your enemy has, so you know how many more hits it will take to defeat them.
The Hero's Charm also displays the HP of an enemy boss.
You can obtain this charm by giving 40 Joy Pendants to the school teacher on Windfall Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
- Upon giving 20 Joy Pendants, you will receive the Cabana Deed (you need your own island to obtain a Triforce chart).
- By giving another 20 Joy Pendants, you will receive the Hero's Charm.
What do you think of the songs from Ocarina of Time in The Legend of Zelda?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
If you've rescued your sister from Forsaken Fortress, take some Deku water in a bottle to the forest near Outset Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Empty the bottle near the tree stump by the fairy fountain, and you'll hear the tune of Saria's Song! When you go to Hyrule Castle with Tetra and she turns into Zelda, you'll hear the melody of Zelda's Lullaby!
Personal tip:
How can I easily get across when the bridge is broken on Outset in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
Nathan |
 | 19 jaar |
Crossing over to Outset after the bridge is broken is quite simple! However, here's a little trick. Make sure to have the wind blow towards the other side. This way, you'll find it easier to get to the other side of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker!
Easter Eggs and Glitches:
Are the statues on the Triangle Islands/Isles in Wind Waker a reference to Pikmin?
Tomy |
 | 35 |
Before their outer parts are destroyed, the statues on the Triangle Islands/Isles bear a striking resemblance to the three colors of
Pikmin from the GameCube game Pikmin: The statue of Din is red and has a nose, the statue of Nayru is blue and has a mouth, and the statue of Farore is green and has pointed ears. Additionally, each statue has a (curled) stem on top of their head that resembles the stem and leaf of a Pikmin.
Personal tip:
How does the sky change on the start screen of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
Tornado |
 | 1219 |
 | 14 jaar |
On the background of the start screen of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the sky will go through a cycle of morning, afternoon, and evening.
Easter Eggs and Glitches:
What are some glitches in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
Tornado |
 | 1219 |
In this video, you can see some glitches in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
How do you find Triforce Charts and Shards in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Chart 1: Located in Islet of Steel - Shard 1: At Great Fish Isle
Chart 2: In your Oasis Tip: Use the grappling hook on the wood and the fire will go out. Shard 2: At Gale Isle
Chart 3: Bird's Peak Rock Tip: Use the bird to flip the switches. Shard 3: At Stone Watcher Island
Ghost Ship Chart: In Diamond Steppe Island, the Chart is displayed on that map, it's different Shard 4: At Outset Island
Chart 5: Needle Rock Isle Tip: Shoot down the golden boat, then dig up the chest. Shard 5: At Cliff Plateau Isles
Chart 6: In Outset Island Tip: Behind your house, on the top, there's a tree, shoot your HookShot at it and lift the stone with your Power Bracelets. Shard 6: Southern Fairy Island
Chart 7: At Stone Watcher Island Tip: Lift the stone with Power Bracelets. Shard 7: At Seven Star Isles
Chart 8: At Overlook Island Shard 8: Two Eye Reef
You have to dig up the Shards in the sea, and the Charts can be anything, in a hole or buried. To decipher the Charts, go to Tingle Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and have them deciphered. It will cost a total of about 3200 rupees. (You have to do the deciphering.) The Charts are the maps (that you need) and the Shards are the pieces.
How do you find the Great Fairies in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker?
MarioCube |
 | 9 jaar |
Great Fairy 1: Northern Fairy Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy 2: Western Fairy Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy 3: Eastern Fairy Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy 4: Thorned Fairy Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy 5: Southern Fairy Island from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Great Fairy 6: Two Eye Reef Tip: Find the big octopus and defeat it from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Great Fairy 7: Outset Island Tip 1: Fly into the forest with the Deku Leaf where you meet Tetra from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Tip 2: Look for the rock and destroy it with bombs.
Less tips and secrets.